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Refusing to Settle: The Quarter-Life Crisis.
What is a quarter-life crisis, and how do you break through it? In this engaging and funny talk, the author of an Amazon bestseller on finding meaningful work shares the takeaways from his and other young people confronting the quarter-life crisis head-on.

1. Thank you for this. I've spent the last 9 years trying to get into a graphic design job while working at a job that I didn't really enjoy that much; I didn't hate it, though I did hate my former boss. Eventually I just "made the ask" to the head of our division, letting her know that I think the entire division needed a graphic designer, and she said "Have you been reading my mind?!" We're still dealing with some HR paperwork to make it happen, but in January 2017 I'm going to be that graphic designer. This made me feel good to watch.

2. Well..I am 29.. and no great career if at all.. what really inspires me is not someone with a purpose already but someone that at 36 or 40 or 50 changes career because they feel there is more to do out there.. sometimes I feel that crisis too because I want to go to university next year and I sometimes ask my self if it isn.t too late to do it because of my age... and then I think people are so brain washed into thinking that age means a limit to something instead of a state of mind or a measurement of the experience in life..

3. I loved this video. They key thing he said that resonated with me was that he had a good paying job, people were impressed, but he was miserable! Sometimes money is not the problem, and its even worse when in the eyes of other they can't see why you have a problem 'You're making good money, what's the problem'. Its about finding something meaningful, so you feel like you have a purpose and are not just working for money to pay bills that will forever be there! Great video.


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