Conditional 0,1,2,3 (If Conditional) Kalimat berandai-andai; Jika, kalau. 0. Utk menyatakan situasi yg umum, kenyataan bukan berandai (100% benar) Ex. Kalau gak makan ya lapar. - If I eat a lot, I gains weight - If it rains, it's wet. - If you don't eat, you feel hungry Karena ini kenyataan maka If bisa diganti When. 1. Utk menyatakan situasi masa depan yg kemungkinan besar akan terjadi (90% terjadi). Ex. - If I see Joko tomorrow, I will speak to him. - If it rains tomorrow, I will take a taxi. 2. Utk menyatakan situasi masa depan yg kemungkinan terjadinya kecil (10%). Ex: - If I saw Joko tomorrow, I would speak to him. - If it rained tomorrow, I would take a taxi. - If I were a Doctor, I would help the earthquke victims. 3. Utk menyatakan situasi yg sudah berlalu dan tidak bisa diubah lagi. Ex: -If I had met Joko, I wouldn't have broken heart. - If I had seen Joko, I would have spoke to him. - If I had not been busy, I would have gone to the pa...