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Showing posts from December, 2018

Everyday Business English with 8 Units



Refusing to Settle: The Quarter-Life Crisis . What is a quarter-life crisis, and how do you break through it? In this engaging and funny talk, the author of an Amazon bestseller on finding meaningful work shares the takeaways from his and other young people confronting the quarter-life crisis head-on. 1. 2. 3. ========= Comment: 1. Thank you for this. I've spent the last 9 years trying to get into a graphic design job while working at a job that I didn't really enjoy that much; I didn't hate it, though I did hate my former boss. Eventually I just "made the ask" to the head of our division, letting her know that I think the entire division needed a graphic designer, and she said "Have you been reading my mind?!" We're still dealing with some HR paperwork to make it happen, but in January 2017 I'm going to be that graphic designer. This ...

Beda ucapan live leave dan life

Live, Leave  dan  Life  hampir serupa pengucapannya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Namun ketiganya mempunyai arti yang berbeda. Simak cara pengucapannya dalam video berikut ini. Live (LIf)  Mempunyai arti tinggal. Diucapkan dengan menekan huruf  agak menyerupai e. Contoh kalimat  I live on Jl. Juanda. (Verb) Live (Laif)   Mempunyai arti langsung. Diucapkan dengan i berubah menjadi ai. Contoh kalimat  This is a live report from Anfield stadium. (adjective) Leave (lif) Mempunyai arti meninggalkan/pergi. Diucapkan dengan merubah ea menjadi i. Contoh kalimat  I will leave for Bangkok next month. (Verb) Life (Laif) Mempunyai arti kata nyawa/hidup. Diucapkan dengan i berubah menjadi ai. Contoh kalimat  My life is My Adventure. (Noun). Demikian ulasan beda dan cara mengucapkan kata  Live,   Leave,  dan  Life .

Koreksi 10 Kesalahan Bahasa Inggris

1. Join with us!     Join us! (tanpa with) 2. Watch out your head!(awas kepala)     Watch your head! (tanpa out) 3. Babysitter (salah)     Nanny = penjaga anak (betul) 4. I've ever been .... (salah)     I've been ..... (tanpa ever) 5. Tell to me  (seharusnya tanpa to) 6. Archive -> harap dibaca "arkaiv"

Conversations with Zee

50 Ways to Say “GOOD LUCK!” in English

10 Kesalahan Org Indonesia Klo Pake Bahasa Inggris

CONDITIONAL 0 1 2 3 | IF CLAUSES | #EnglishWithPuri

Conditional 0,1,2,3 (If Conditional) Kalimat berandai-andai; Jika, kalau. 0. Utk menyatakan situasi yg umum, kenyataan bukan berandai (100% benar) Ex. Kalau gak makan ya lapar. - If I eat a lot, I gains weight - If it rains, it's wet. - If you don't eat, you feel hungry Karena ini kenyataan maka If bisa diganti When. 1. Utk menyatakan situasi masa depan yg kemungkinan besar akan terjadi (90% terjadi). Ex. - If I see Joko tomorrow, I will speak to him. - If it rains tomorrow, I will take a taxi. 2. Utk menyatakan situasi masa depan yg kemungkinan terjadinya kecil (10%). Ex: - If I saw Joko tomorrow, I would speak to him. - If it rained tomorrow, I would take a taxi. - If I were a Doctor, I would help the earthquke  victims. 3. Utk menyatakan situasi yg sudah berlalu dan tidak bisa diubah lagi. Ex: -If I had met Joko, I wouldn't have broken heart. - If I had seen Joko, I would have spoke to him. - If I had not been busy, I would have gone to the pa...

4 Secrets to Having an American English Accent: Advanced Pronunciation L...

How to have an American English Accent. 1. Change T sound to D sound 2. R sound 3. ER sound 4. ARY sound

How To Say Common English Expressions! | Small Talk

1. Hey, How's it going?      (Hey, Hauzet gauin?)       Hey, apa khabar? 2. I've heard a lot about you.     (aive:d alodebaut ju)     Saya telah lama mendengar tentang dirimu.     All good things about you. 3. Hey, What are you up to?     (Hey, Wode j(a)Aptu?)     Kamu lagi apa? 4. Not much --> No much!     Nothing much     ( Nothin much!) 5. Just finishing an email     Jus finishing an email     Jus walking a dog 6. Give it a go.     (givitego)      mencobanya. 7. Give it a tray     (givitrai)      Cobalah 8. Hang on a sec.     (hengonasek)     Tunggu sebentar.