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Understand Native Speakers More Easily: 25 VERY Common Reductions in Eng...


1. the (de): the police, the car
2. are (er): kids are
3. and (en): Thurs and Fri
4. of (e): one of, part of
5. a,an (e, en): a break, an appointment
6. to (te): to see, go to (gote)
7. was (waz): was late
8. that (det): that's terrible
9. for (fer): what's for dinner.
10. You (ya): knew you, do you.
11. he (i): sure he, khow he
12 at (et): at six, at work
13 but (bet): but that, but it's
14 his (iz): it's his, that's his
15 from (frem): from 1-4, from New York
16 or (er): Tues or Thurs, 3 or 4
17 as (es): not as, as soon as
18 their (der): their address, their house
19 can (ken): I can do that, we can
20 her (er): met her, it's her
21 them (em): saw them, need them
22 him (Im): met him, told him
23 you you're (yer): your week end, you're next.
24 than (den): more than that, better than.
25 our (ar): our house, our best.


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