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Advice (warning) "I/You'd better"

Test at 8 am.
What should he do?
1) Go to bed early.
2) Party all night.
3) Watch TV all night.
I'd better + verb   | - good idea.
I'd better ........      | - problem if
                               |   don't to do it.

I'd better / I'd better not
I'd better = I had better 
I'd better bring an umbrella.
I'd better leave my house earlier.
It's late I'd better go.
My friends are coming over. I'd better buy some food.

I'd better not
not doing it =  good idea.
I'd better not go to the party. I have to study.
I'd better not forget my girlfrend's birthday again.
We'd better not eat all the pizza.

- You'd better..
- She'd better..
- He'd better..
       .... finish your homework.

1. I have a job interview tomorrow at 9am. ______B______ go to bed early.
A. I'd good
B. I'd better
C. I'd
D. I'd better not
C. More good I

2. That restaurant is always busy at 7pm. ______B________ make a reservation.
A. We better
B. We'd better
C. We'd better not
D. We'd had better

3. In the sentence, "I'd better do my homework", "I'd" is a contraction. What is "I'd" short for? ______D_______
A. I should
B. I would
C. I have
D. I had
C. I did

4. Your boss says: "You'd better be on time tomorrow."
Your boss is giving you a: __A___

A. warning. If you're late, there will be consequences.
B. compliment. The boss is saying you're doing better.
C. suggestion. It's your choice to be on time, and the boss is happy regardless of your decision.

5. Ken has a winning lottery ticket for a million dollars. He'd better not _____D________.
A. lost the ticket
B. to lose the ticket
C. losing the ticket
D. lose the ticket

6. A boy lied to his mother about a fight at school. The mother says to her son, "You'd better _________B___________."
A. be lying to me
B. not be lying to me
C. not be lie to me
D. be lie to me

7. You have to go to the airport. You know there is more traffic today than usual. You say to yourself, "__________D____________."
A. I better be late
B. I better not leave my house early
C. I'd better not leave my house early
D. I'd better leave my house early

8. You watch the weather report. It is going to rain today. You say, "__________A__________."
A. I'd better take my umbrella
B. I'd better not take my umbrella
C. I'd better taking my umbrella
D. I'd better will take my umbrella

9. You are planning a birthday party for a friend. You say, "________D_________."
A. I better forgot the cake
B. I'd better forget the cake
C. I'd better not forgot the cake.
D. I'd better not forget the cake

10. You're traveling to another country. You say, "_________B__________."
A. I better not forget my passport
B. I'd better not forget my passport
C. I better forget my passport
D. I'd better not will forget my passport


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