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How to make GREAT Small Talk | English Conversation Practice

1. Work
2. Life
3. Travel
4. Food
5. Weather

1. What do you do?
2. What motivated you to become.....?
3. Did you always want to be ....?
4. What was your a first-ever job?
5. What does a typical workday look like?
6. What do you love about your job?
7. Is this your dream job? Or are you working towards something else?
8. If money wasn't an issue, what job would you want?

9. Do you hear about....?
10. Have you got much planned for the weekend?
11. What do you like to do in your spare time?
12. Have you read any good book lately?
13. Have you seen any 
good movie?
14. So, do you have any kids?
15. So, are you from ........?
16. Where did you live before this?
17. Is (this city) different quite to (that city)?
18. Where did you grow up?

19. So, are you planning on getting away for holidays?
20. Are you taking time off ove the Christmas?
21 I've just got back from a trip to Japan. Have you ever been?
22. You went to Peru last year, didn't you? Do you have any recommendation?
23. What places are on your bucket list?

24. Do you khow any good restaurants around here?
25. I'm cooking lasagne for dinner tonight. What about you?
26. Have you tried that new Thai restaurant on Church street?
27. Do you like Thai food?

28. It's a beautiful today, isn't it?
29. Can you believe all the rain we've been having lately?
30. It's pouring out there! It's a shame I rode my bike today. How did you get to work?


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