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Stop Saying GOOD! Use these 77 words & phrases instead... ✅

Below, are the list of colomn questions from this lesson as well as the possible responses you can give.

How's it going? (day/life in general):

1. Great
2. Fantastic
3. I'm doing well
4. Never been better
5. Not bad
6. Okay

How was the movie? How's the TV series?

7. Spectacular
8. Must see
9. Entertaining
10. Fascinating
11. Captivating
12. Riveting - on the edge of your seat
13. Hilarious
14. Frightening
15. Disturbing
16. Powerfull
17. Thought- provoking

How's the food/meal?

18. Fantastic
19. Exceprional
20. Tasty
21. Savory
22. Delicious
23. Succulent
24. Mouth- watering
25. Fresh
26. Alright
27. It's a little (sweet/bitter/spicy)

How's the weather?

28. Gorgeous outside.
29. Nice day
30. Pleasant day
31. Crystal clear outside
33. Sunny (nice and sunny)
34. It's a bit _____ (chilly, cool, windy, foggy)

How's work going (job)

35. Wonderful
36. Exellent
37. Love it
38. Challenging
39. Demanding
40. Busy
41. I'm learning a lot of new things.
42. Repetitive.
43. Monotonous.
44. Lonely
45. Another day in paradise (sarcasme)

How's work going (project)?

46. Working hard
47. Making progress
48. Coming along nicely
49. Slow and steady wins the race.


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