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Showing posts from September, 2019


Percakapan antara ayah & anak ��‍��

Let's go for a walk! Mari kita jalan jalan!

Tutorial modal verbs + pertanyaan pake modal verbs

Grammar: Using THE with common and abstract nouns

MUCH or MANY or A LOT OF??? Countable and Uncountable Nouns!

LEND or BORROW? | British English Grammar

How to use 'wanna' and 'gonna' CORRECTLY | SOUND LIKE A NATIVE ENGLISH S...

Between or Among?

Kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang Membingungkan! | Perbaiki Kesalahan & Kesa...

25 Phrases Every English Intermediate Learner Must-Know

1. How's it going? 2. What have you been up to? 3. How have you been? 4. I've been busy, working,.. 5. How about.... 6. Sorry I can't... 7. Sure, sounds good 8. Do you want to ....? 9. What do you call this? 10. How do I get to (location)? 11. How a nice evening! 12. Have a good one! 13. Can I have (that thing) please? 14. (200 grams) of the (beef) please! 15. How do I (learn English) 16. How late are you open? Ten 17. Do you have any plan for (monday). 18. My ( face, arm....) hurts. 19. How much is this? 20. What did you say? 21. What does that mean? 22. I don't feel so good. 23. I need to go to (location) 24. I have to (verb). 25. When are we leaving.

10 ALASAN YANG PALING SULIT | Pelajaran Pengucapan

10 most difficult adjectives: (pronunciatian lesson) 1. Successful 2. Anxious 3. Valuable 4. Exponential 5. Complex 6. Rural 7. Specific 8. Mischievous 9. Detrimental 10. Comfortable

How to Pronounce 100 Most Important Words in English

HAVE BEEN / HAS BEEN / HAD BEEN - How to Use These Forms Correctly (with...

DO vs. MAKE in English

USED TO vs BE USED TO: What's the difference?

4 Secrets to Having an American English Accent: Advanced Pronunciation L...

Change T sound to D sound: In New York City, he wore exciting sweater because that always made him satisfied. Water Bottle==>Wader Bodel. The colored==> R R +consonant ==>(ER): The first word that you learned is the one you heard the most. In the letter, he wrote, "Remember to water the flowers". Pronouce with ending ARY: Library, secretary, military (penekanannya pada ARY): At the liabrary, the secretary read a book about the military.

How to Connect Ideas & Sentences in English - Basic English Grammar

8 AWAY Expressions in English: go away, run away, right away...

Learn 20 passive "GET" Expressions in English!

Pasive voice: get + pp 1. get asked=>I get asked to work over time. 2. get blamed: She always gets blamed for everything. 3. get caughted: Don't do it! You're going to get caughted. 4. get done: The project have got done on time. 5. get dressed: I was getting dressed when you called. 6. get elected: She got elected president 7. get engaged: When did you get engaged? 8. get fired: I got fired yesterday. 9. get hit: He got hit by a car. 10. get hurt: You'll get hurt if you're careful.

Get it or Got it? When to use each like a native English speaker + Onlin...

1. Get it (present tense)=understand. You understand? 2. Got it!(past tense): feeling surprise.  Oh, I got it! How about to the restaurant? 3. Got it?: scolding child Your shoes are dirty. Got it?

Bagaimana Mengatakan Ekspresi Bahasa Inggris Umum! | Bicara Kecil

Parts Of The Body in English | Human Body Parts Names

Master ALL TENSES in 30 Minutes: Verb Tenses Chart with Useful Rules & E...

English Grammar Course For Beginners: Basic English Grammar

Bagaimana menggambarkan kepribadian & karakter seseorang dalam bahasa in...

STOP SAYING 'SUPER' - The 8 overused SLANG words that make you sound UNI...

Learn 20 intransitive PHRASAL VERBS in English

Intransitive=without object

Present Perfect Tense: Simple or Continuous? - Basic English Grammar

Stop saying I'M SORRY: More ways to apologize in English

Berbeda Cara Mengatakan "Maaf!" | Berguna Inggris Expressions

5 ways to say sorry - Polite English

PRONUNCIATION of English Words with an -ON Ending

Cara Mengucapkan TOP 10 Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Learn English with Esther | 24 Easy English Lessons for Beginners

EFFECT or AFFECT? �� English Mistakes that Native Speakers Make too!!

The Beatles Song to improve English

Judul lagu: We can work it out Penyanyi: The Beatles Related Video Lirik: Cobalah untuk melihatnya dengan cara saya, Try to see it my way, Apakah saya harus terus berbicara sampai saya tidak bisa melanjutkan? Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on? Sementara Anda melihatnya dengan cara Anda, While you see it your way, Jalankan risiko mengetahui bahwa cinta kita akan segera hilang. Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone. Kita dapat menyelesaikannya, We can work it out, Kita dapat menyelesaikannya. We can work it out. Pikirkan apa yang Anda katakan. Think of what you're saying. Anda bisa salah dan tetap saja berpikir tidak apa-apa. You can get it wrong and still you think that it's alright. Pikirkan apa yang saya katakan, Think of what I'm saying, Kita bisa menyelesaikannya dan meluruskannya, atau mengucapkan selamat malam. We can work it out and get it straight, or say good night. Kita dapat menyelesaikannya, We can work ...